bdf channel extraction

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bdf channel extraction

Post by tom_campbell75 »

Dear all,

I have had a look through some of the LabView utilities, but I do not think that any of them can extract one EEG channel from a bdf file, so as to save this as a (much smaller) bdf file containing just one channel.

Please, your suggestions are welcome.

Kind regards,


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Post by Teuniz »

Download EDFbrowser. In EDFbrowser, go to Tools -> Reduce signals and or/duration.

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Post by Coen »

As an alternative, you can use the LabVIEW tool from

By the way, you should extract at least 2 channels, because only the difference between channels generates valid data (see discussion about reference and CMS/DRL)

Best regards, Coen (BioSemi)

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