EEG and posturography collection

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EEG and posturography collection

Post by harold.mouras »

Dear all,
in a next future we would perform experiments measuring EEG and posturography in the same time. I was wondering about the synchronization of the EEG and posturography recordings. For now, our posturographic system is able to start through a TTL signal sent vie the stimulation software to the posturographic device. Please could you let me know if a TTL signal is also usable to begin the recording of EEG data with our BIOSEMI ?
Thank you very much in advance,
Best regards,
Harold Mouras

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Re: EEG and posturography collection

Post by Coen »

It is possible to start recording with a TTL pulse, see viewtopic.php?f=2&t=711&p=2174 . However, this is not precise enough and not sufficient for synchronization. For synchronization, TTL timing pulses should be sent from BioSemi to posturography (similar to ), or the posturography should send pulses to the BioSemi, or a separate clock should send pulses to both systems.

Best regards, Coen (BioSemi)

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