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Female participants

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:28 pm
by hkeyes

we are using a standard 64-channel ERP system with Biosemi sortware. We have so far tested 15 participants. However, although everything appears fine during recording of all participants, upon data analysis (using BESA software), zero percent of trials from FEMALE participants are being accepted. Male data is fine. I am wondering:
A) Do other researchers experience this problem?
B) Is there something different I should be doing in the set-up stage with female participants? Is it hair conditioner/thickness that's the problem?
C) Is ther any way I can tell, at testing stage (i.e. from the Biosemi screen) whether my participants' data is going to be accepted at further stages of analysis? I always check electrode offset values, and they are fine (below 25).

Any help/advice on this issue would be really useful.

