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Reducing ActiView

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:40 pm
by elfallero
I have added some new VI's to ActiView to do my own signal processing. I tap into the raw incoming data stream at the ""

That's all I want to do. I don't want the ActiView graphics and other facilities (nice as they are.) I need maximum CPU time dedicated to my own VI's. So I want to delete a lot of the controls/indicators in ActiView's front panel (along with their associated diagram blocks.)

Can I do this? Is there anything I should watch out for?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 1:38 pm
by Coen
You can delete all charts and associated controls and subvi's without any problem. I would just recommend to keep using the buffer clock (lower right corner), as an indication of the buffer read process.

Do not change the basic structure of function calls to the USB driver library. Also, I recommend to leave the error handling intact.

You will note that standard ActiView always uses all remaining processor time (CPU use is 100%). The program constantly adjusts the size of data blocks to be processed and displayed on screen. Small bocks allow smooth scrolling, but alos use a lot of processor time. When the program detects that processing can't keep up with the incoming data (green buffer pointer lags behind red pointer), larger blocks are processed to quickly catch up. So, the 100% CPU use does not mean that there is no processor time avaible for other tasks (LabVIEW or other). You can still add further processing, and ActiView will adjust automatically by making the scrolling less smooth (precess larger data blocks to reduce processor time).

However, in you own application, you might want to use constant data blocks to keep things simple. If you do this, make sure that the blocks are large enough (check the clock pointers for lag), to prevent ringbuffer overflow problems.

Best regards, Coen (BioSemi)