Sending triggers via Opensesame \ E-prime 2 Using the SD-MS-TCPUA USB / Parallel 24-Bit Trigger I/O Interface

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Sending triggers via Opensesame \ E-prime 2 Using the SD-MS-TCPUA USB / Parallel 24-Bit Trigger I/O Interface

Post by Shalva »

Hi all,

Recently my lab has purchased new computers which don't have a parallel port. Therefore, we tried to connect our BioSemi ActiveView 2 system via the SD-MS-TCPUA USB / Parallel 24-Bit Trigger I/O Interface. We can see that the system is properly connected because we can manually send triggers via the Ni-DAQmx software, also, the Presentation software successfully identifies the device. The experiment computer identifies the device as NI-USB-6501 and the monitor computer identifies the connection as RECEIVER-2. The problem is that we are unable to make it work with either e-prime or Opensesame, which are the experiment software we normally use in the lab.

Does anyone here have any experience with e-prime 2\ Opensesame with the specified io? I would really appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.

Thank you!

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