Scroll bars disappear after run

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Scroll bars disappear after run

Post by Amna »

Dear all,
I extended my code in Activeview light. But I want to discuss one thing that when I press run in labview (activeview window) it makes vertical and horizontal scroll bars disappear and then I can't move my front panel window up and down to see further graphs and etc.
To cope with this I copied all the code of active view light and pasted it on another New VI of labview and it solves my problem that now I can see scroll bars even after execution but it generates another error which is this
Error 1097: occurred at call library function node in Activeview An exception occurred within the external code called by a call library function node.

Any suggestion or help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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Re: Scroll bars disappear after run

Post by Coen »

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