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Extract X seconds of Data based on Epochs

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 7:59 am
by patelm

I am researching on P300 Paradigm using ActiveTwo system. I am using EEGLAB as data analysis software. I am little confuse over ERP/Epoch data. When I load my EEG data in EEGLAB it doesn't find any Epochs. My first question is:

1) How can I record ERP or Epochs related data?
2) Can I extract certain number of seconds from ActiveTwo software without saving it to BDF file? I want to make this as Automation where user doesn't need to click on Start or Save to BDF file. I would really appreciate for possible suggestions. Right now I have Data with 88 trials (each trial consist of 6 X 6 matrix flashing) with 5 seconds delay in between trials. I want to extract data when particular column elicits. I want to do this automated. Is there any readbdf Matlab script that would do this?