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Reading large bdf files in Matlab (over 50 MB)

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:27 am
by revital
I'm using the EEGlab readbdf.m file to read my data in Matlab, but I get an 'out of memory' error pointing to line 76 in the code:
DAT.Record=[ones(RecLen*length(Records),1) DAT.Record]*EDF.Calib;
This accours whenever the bdf file is larger than about 50 MB, and is not a problem of the computer's memory space. I do not wish to crop my files.
Does anyone have an idea how to read large bdf files with this readbdf.m code out side EEGlab?

Thanks for any help,

Revital Shani

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 9:21 am
by Chanel
Maybe you can read them record by record or let's say 20 records by 20 records insted of the whole file at a time. This is a bit harder to handle but this is the only way I found to read large BDF files.

Moreover keep in mind that there is the matlab file to read BDF files on the Biosemi website :

Guillaume Chanel