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Inversion of ground trigger and normal triggers

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:36 pm
by EmilieC
Dear Biosemi,

We have a problem regarding the triggers.

Normally, when we deliver a trigger (a decimal one), that trigger appears on the upper line and the trigger associated with the ground just on the line below. But now, we have the reverse situation, the trigger associated with the ground appear on the top and the real trigger below. We though it was ok because we read somewhere that when a trigger appears in the Actiview window, it’s 100% sure that this trigger is recorded. But it indeed appears that is not the case because in our recorded file, we only see the trigger associated with the ground.

Basically, before we saw something like this:
30 60 30
255 255 255 (ground trigger)

And now we have this:
255 255 255 (ground trigger)
30 60 30

Do you have any idea about how the obtain again the initial situation? We did not change anything to those computers, at least not consciously.
Thank you very much!


Re: Inversion of ground trigger and normal triggers

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:32 pm
by Coen
Use 00000000 (0) as the "ground" between the actual triggers, not 11111111 (255).

All triggers shown by ActiView are definitely in the BDF file.

Best regards, Coen (BioSemi)