TCP/IP server & RingBuffer

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TCP/IP server & RingBuffer

Post by Toycito »

Hi all,

I'm working on an online system and I've been using the TCP/IP server in order to collect the eeg signals. As far as I understand, the Actiview server sends the data point to a ringbuffer and when I connect my TCP/IP client, the data collection is from here.

If this is correct, what happens when I close the TCP/IP connection and after a while I re-connect my TCP/IP client ?. Is the ringbuffer reset? or what happens with the data that I didn't collect? Does the old data remain there?

Thanks in advance
Toycito :shock:

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Post by Coen »

Data from the AD-box is stored in a ringbuffer. ActiView reads the ringbuffer, display the data on screen, writes the data to BDF file, and streams the data via TCP/IP to a client. When the TCP/IP connection is closed and opened again, the data processed by ActiView during close down of the TCP/IP connection is not available anymore for the TCP/IP client (but meanwhile saving to BDF file may have continued). So long as the TCP/IP connection is operational, no data can be lost without an error message (TCP/IP is a handshaked protocol, ActiView ensures that no data points are deleted).

Best regards, Coen (BioSemi)

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Post by Toycito »

Hi Coen,

Thanks for your reply. It was really helpful!


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