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Using ActiveTwo 32 with only 2 connected electrodes

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:47 pm
by mstoica
Dear all,

is it OK to only use two electrodes and leave the rest hanging, provided they do not make skin contact and do not wiggle?

As far as I understand, the noise from the unconnected electrodes might creep in the two connected ones.

Thank you in advance and have a nice day.


Re: Using ActiveTwo 32 with only 2 connected electrodes

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:58 pm
by Coen
You can certainly use just two electrodes from a bundle, the channel separation of the system is sufficient to prevent spurious signals from the loose hanging electrodes to interfere with the connected electrodes. However, it would probably be much more practical to use two EX electrodes (TP-pin or TP-flat) instead of a 32-chan bundle. Note that the software supports to display only the two connected channels, and to save only these two channels (plus trigger/status, so the BDF file will have a total of 3 channels).

Best regards, Coen